September results
I'm in Vietnam right now so kind of hard to post something elaborate until I get my computer set up.I made 2200 ish last month, almost all of it in HU SNGs, mainly doing 20 dollar SNG. I had one large downswing that even itself out by the end of the month.
I played less hours than cash tables, I played less tables than cash tables (1 instead of 6) and I had a lot less stress and variance than cash tables.
I still have a lot to learn, but I hope I can continue doing well in HU sng.
posted by joe | permalink |
you could be like the next stevesbets! You should read the livb interview if you haven't yet, it's an interesting story:
Let's play a $2.20 HU SNG sometime when you get your comp set up! I am pretty bad (I think like 15-30 lifetime) but this is also compounded since I usually only play when I'm piss-drunk.
thanks. yah i saw that interview. it was a good read.
i'm game anytime you want to play some 2.20.
do you have msn messenger?
i've got aim too tho i wont be on it much until i get faster internet.
email me your aim at
joethepro27 A.T. gmail D.O.T com
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Keep going man, good luck.
Sam@blooming tea
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